Stabilizer/elevator installation – E-flite Hawker Sea Fury 480 ARF User Manual
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E-flite Hawker Sea Fury 480 ARF Assembly Manual
Stabilizer/Elevator Installation
Required parts
Fuselage assembly Stabilizer assembly
-inch (335mm) pushrod with clevis
-inch (345mm) pushrod with clevis
Required Tools and Adhesives
Thin CA
Medium CA
1. Remove the elevators and elevator joiner wire
from the stabilizer.
2. Place the elevator joiner wire in the slot in the
fuselage for the stabilizer.
3. Slide the stabilizer into the slot in the fuselage.
Measure the distance from each stabilizer tip to
each wing tip. The measurements must be equal.
If necessary, adjust the position of the stabilizer to
correct for the alignment.
4. Stand back and view the model from the rear.
The wing and stabilizer must be parallel to each
other. Lightly sand the opening in the fuselage for
the stabilizer to correct for any alignment issues.
5. After aligning the stabilizer to the wing, use
medium CA to glue the stabilizer in place. Double
check the alignment one last time before the CA fully
cures. Once the CA cures, snap the joiner wire back
into the bracket at the trailing edge of the stabilizer.
6. Apply thin CA to each side of the hinge, as well
as to the elevator joiner wire.