A.3 max meas mode command string, Appendix a: data transmission – Banner A-GAGE High-Resolution MINI-ARRAY Series User Manual
Page 36
P/N 64118 rev. B
Appendix A: Data Transmission
Banner Engineering Corp.
Minneapolis, U.S.A.
www.bannerengineering.com • Tel: 763.544.3164
For Measurement mode analysis, the binary format uses two data bytes for each
measurement mode. (If we have one measurement mode, then there are two data
bytes. For two measurement modes, there are four data bytes.)
For example, assume that control module ‘B’ is configured for one measurement mode
(FBB), and the value is 78. The string from the control module is as follows:
0x1c, ‘B’, 0x00, 0x4E, 0x0A. (a total of five bytes)
0x00, 0x4E (a total of two bytes with Suppress Header option)
Now assume that control module ‘B’ is configured for FBB and LBB with values of 74
and 303, respectively. The string from the control module is as follows:
0x1c,’B’, 0x00, 0x4A, 0x01, 0x2F, 0x0A (a total of seven bytes)
0x00, 0x4A, 0x01, 0x2F (a total of four bytes with Suppress Header option)
A.3 Max Meas Mode Command String
Max Meas Mode causes the control module to retain the maximum measurement
values for a given object. These values are transmitted either immediately after the
control module is cleared or when prompted by the Host. The Max Meas Mode
Command String is a four-byte string that appears as follows:
• Control byte with decimal value 248
• Controller ID (one of 15 ASCII letters A through O, as specified in the PSF)
• Max Meas Command Transmit (ASCII letter T).
• Termination byte with decimal value 13
The command string is further defined:
/*the below C code will define an array called msg which will contain the Max Meas Mode
Command String*/
unsigned char msg[4]; /*declare four byte unsigned character array using C language */
msg[0]=248; /*control byte */
msg[1]=65; /*assume the controller ID is the letter A */
msg[2]=84; /*assume initiation byte which is the ASCII letter T */
msg[3]=13; /*termination byte */
When the host sends this string, the control module sends the maximum values stored
from the previous scanned object. If the sensor is presently scanning an object when
the message is sent, the control module will give the maximum values for the present