Calibrated Software MXF Import v3 User Manual

Page 88

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Added support fo

r ‘Source Clip Duration’ – this is more commonly found in Avid generated MXF files where the

displayed duration is slightly less than the actual duration of the MXF file

– like a ‘frame handle’ for the end of the

MXF file. Please see the ‘Source Clip Duration’ option in this User Guide for more details.

Fixed issue where 2 channel audio IMX MXF files with AES3 audio were reported as stereo

– now they are

reported as 2 mono audio tracks.

[MAC ONLY] Added a new CalibratedAESQ.component this fixed issue where IMX AES3 Audio would not play in
QT Player X on Lion or QT Player X on Mountain Lion

IMX AES3 2-channel audio now reports as dual mono tracks

– previously it was reported as stereo audio

IMX AES3 4-channel and 8-

channel audio now explicitly ‘tagged’ as mono tracks. This should help playback in

the FCP7 ‘Viewer’ window but video playback may still be choppy or video may appear to freeze during playback
in the FCP7 Viewer Window; however AES3 audio will still require rendering on a FCP7 Sequence.

Fixed issue where IndexTable was not being found on XDCAM HD MXF files created by FFMPEG

[Mac OSX] Fixed issue with sandboxing of license file and settings file in QT Player X on OSX 10.8 (Mountain


e extension of QT Ref MOV Files generated by the ‘Auto-Referencing’ process has been changed. QT Ref

MOV files

generated by the ‘Auto-Referencing’ process will now have an extension of .mxdat (on OSX) or .mwdat

(on Windows) so that users will not accidently use the files directly in their workflows. Please note that this means
that MXF files will be re-

indexed if ‘Auto-Referencing’ is enabled. If you need to generate QT Ref MOV files to

use in your workflow, please use Calibrated{Q} Import Assist to do this.

Version 2.3.0

Added UTF8 support for filenames or folderpaths with non-ASCII characters.

Fixed a very rare issue where a specific type of Sony MXF file would only show 10 seconds.

Added support for 16-bit Big Endian Mono Audio

DNxHD 145-TR and DNxHD 125-

TR are now ‘tagged’ as 1440x1080 with a Pixel Aspect Ratio of 4/3. Previously

they were reported as 1920x1080.

ADVANCED BETA OPTION- Added new option to adjust Audio Only MXF file Segment sizes. Please see the
‘Audio Only MXF Segment Size’ section in this User Guide for more details.

Slight update to QT MetaData packing. If you are using Calibrated{Q} Import Assist then v1.2 (or greater) of
Import Assist is now required

[Windows Only Fix]

– Fixed rare crash in the Calibrated{Q} MXF Import Options application

Fixed issue with Panasonic P2 OP1a MXF files. These were video/audio interleaved MXF files from a Panasonic

Fixed incorrectly reported TimeCode for 23.976fps Avid Audio MXF Files that contained a SourceClip Offset. (The
matching 23.976fps Avid Video MXF files reported the correct TimeCode).

Fixed issue with audio not being opened in a Omneon XDCAM HD MXF file with 16-channel one-track audio.

Some P2 MXF files have UserClipName set to the GlobalID if the UserClipName was not set in the camera. In
these cases we will use the FileName instead for the UserClipName.