Calibrated Software MXF Import v3 User Manual

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files are stored separately then FCP will only copy the Video MXF file during Media Management functions if the
typecode of t

he MXF file is not set to ‘MooV’.

On Mac OSX, after purchasing and licensing Calibrated{Q} MXF Import for OSX, you will have to use ‘refresh’ in
Calibrated{Q} Import Assist to update the duration of any MXF files you had imported into Final Cut Pro 6/7 or
Final Cut Express while in DEMO MODE. (see

‘Chapter: Use with Mac OSX Applications’ AND ‘Chapter:

Calibrated Refresh for FCP for more details


Not all OP1a XAVC, AVC-Intra, XDCAM HD, DVCProHD, DV50, DV25 or IMX MXF Files are supported. If you
have a MXF File that Calibrated{Q} MXF Import cannot open, please contact

[email protected]

to see

if support can be added.

IMX MXF files with AES3 audio requires rendering when imported into FCP 6/7 Sequence. Also, playback may be
choppy or video may appear to freeze at intervals during playback

in the FCP ‘Viewer’ window. Also, some


may not ‘see’ the AES3 audio if they do

XAVC, AVC-Intra playback requires Final Cut Pro 7.0.3, FCP X (v10.0.6), Compressor 3.5/4, or Calibrated{Q}
AVC-Intra Decode

You can import MXF files using Calibrated{Q} MXF Import into Cinema Tools (from FC Studio) ; however not all
functionality of Cinema Tools is guaranteed to work on MXF files (for instance ‘conforming’ will not work). The
workaround is to either (1) Convert the MXF files to a ProRes MOV file in Compressor and the conform the
ProRes MOV file or (2) Use Calibrated{Q} Import Assist and re-wrap the MXF file into a MOV file (choose the
'self-contained MOV' file option) and then conform that MOV file (please note that the video/audio will be exactly
the same as this is just a re-wrap into a MOV file and not a video/audio conversion)

In Final Cut Pro 6/7, the only metadata from MXF files that is currently imported into FCP 6/7 is TimeCode and
ReelName (the UMID of the MXF file). To import more metadata than that, please see the Calibrated{Q} Import
Assist User Guide on how to send MXF metadata to FCP 6/7.

XDCAM Proxy MXF Files have support in v2.0.3

– in FCP 6/7, XDCAM Proxy audio will show as needing to be

rendered in a FCP 6/7 Sequence; however when attempting to render the audio

– FCP 6/7 will report a ‘General

Error’ and the audio will not be rendered.

Avid XDCAM MXF files may not import into AE CS 5.0/5.5 with Calibrated{Q} MXF Import

– this seems limited to

25fps files (but could also happen with other frame rates). The same files will open fine in other applications
including Premiere Pro CS 5.0/5.5. The only workaround at this time is to create a QT Ref MOV file of the MXF
file using Calibrated{Q} Import Assist or QT Player Pro 7.6/7.7 and import the QT Ref MOV file into AE.

There is a Mac OSX Only issue with the Apple XDCAM Codec (v2.0 or v2.0.1) that comes with FCP X, Motion-X,
or Compressor 4 - only Interlaced XDCAM EX video is affected and the issue has only been seen in one or two
third party applications like CatDV

– basically when attempting to play and/or view the interlaced XDCAM EX

video in the those applications a green ‘plaid’ pattern is seen over the interlaced XDCAM EX video. Since the
issue happens with both XDCAM EX .MXF files and XDCAM EX .MOV files

– we have determined that the issue

is not caused by Calibrated{Q} MXF Import for OSX. It is also not known if the issue only happens with certain
graphics cards. Apple has been informed of the issue, but the status of any resolution by Apple is not known. The
only workaround is to use either the Apple XDCAM Codec v1.6 (the last version that came with FCP 7.0.3) or use
Calibrated{Q} XD Decode for OSX to decode the video (please note that Calibrated{Q} XD Decode for OSX is
NOT meant to be installed or used on an computer with any version of FCP installed).

QT Ref MOV files created by the Indexing process should NOT be directly used in your workflow

– if you need to

create QT Ref MOV files for use in your workflow

please use the ‘qt ref’ feature in Calibrated{Q} Import Assist.

Even though IMX NTSC MXF files are Upper-Field first -

they are ‘tagged ‘ as Lower-Field First when

Calibrated{Q} MXF Import for OSX is being used with FCP or FC Studio Applications. This is due to the fact that
Apple’s IMX Codec that comes with FCP will automatically (on decoding a IMX NTSC video frame) shift up the
picture by one scan-line and fill the last scanline with an all-black line

– thus realtime converting the IMX NTSC

video frame to Lower-Field first during decode. The Apple IMX Codec that comes with FCP does this because
FCP and FC Studio applications work with SD NTSC 30i video with Lower-Field First. In other applications on
Mac OSX, the field type will be ‘tagged’ as undefined. On Windows, the field type will be ‘tagged’ as Upper-Field