Editing growing mxf files in fcp 7, Playback in fcp, Troubleshooting – Calibrated Software MXF Import v3 User Manual

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IMPORTANT for FCP: In Final Cut Pro

– certain Media Management functions will not work properly if the typecode of a

MXF file is not ‘MooV’. In those cases where the typecode of a MXF file is NOT set to ‘MooV’, then if you perform any
Media Management in FCP

– the MXF files are simply copied by FCP instead of FCP rewrapping the MXF files into a

MOV file; and in cases of P2 and Ikegami MXF files where the video/audio MXF files are stored separately then FCP will
only copy the Video

MXF file during Media Management functions if the typecode of the MXF file is not set to ‘MooV’ .

Special Note: With Panasonic P2 and Ikegami GFCAM MXF files, you will only have to import the Video MXF Files and
Calibrated{Q} MXF Import will found and ‘auto-join’ the matching Audio MXF Files to those Video MXF Files.

Editing growing MXF files in FCP 7

BETA support for editing growing XDCAM MXF files in FCP 7 and FCP X. Other MXF files may work but have not been

Please see the ‘Refresh – FCP 7’ section in the Calibrated{Q} Import Assist User Guide.

Playback in FCP

You can playback MXF files in a FCP Sequence just like you would a MOV file of the same type of video. Just create a
New Sequence in FCP and then drag a MXF

file to that New Sequence and select ‘Yes’ if FCP prompts you if you want to

have the Sequence settings match the clip settings.

The actual decoding of video frames is handled by QuickTime Codecs that come with FCP or by the Avid QuickTime
Codecs if you are using Avid MXF files, so realtime playback of MXF files is dependent upon those codecs as well as the
speed of your CPU and harddrive.

Special Note on IMX Audio: AES3 Audio found in most IMX Standard Definition MXF files will have to be rendered on a
FCP sequence. Also, video playback may be choppy or video may appear to freeze at intervals during playback in the
FCP ‘Viewer’ window.

DNxHD MXF Files: When working

with DNxHD MXF files, please read the ‘DNxHD Options’ section in this User Guide for

setting up either RGB SMPTE (16-235) or RGB Full (0-255) Color Ranges for DNxHD MXF files, and specifically the
section titled

‘dnxhd’ options for Final Cut Pro 7.

Special Note on XDCAM MXF Proxy files: XDCAM Proxy MXF Files have BETA support in v2.0.3


Proxy audio will show as needing to be rendered in a FCP Sequence; however when attempting to render the audio

FCP will report a ‘General Error’ and the audio will not be rendered.

Special Note on XAVC MXF files: XAVC Support in FCP 7 needs the Apple ProCodecs that come with FCP 10.0.8,
or Compressor 4.0.7 or Motion 5.0.7

(a) XAVC will not work in FCP 6, and Final Cut Pro 7 will only work with XAVC HD 100 MXF files.
(b) 1080p50, 1080p59.94 files may not work properly in FCP 7.
(c) 2k/3k/4k XAVC files may not work in all applications. We have only tested 2k/3k/4k XAVC MXF files with FCP

X and Compressor 4


Here’s a quick workflow about using XAVC HD MXF files in FCP 7:


If you have trouble importing MXF files into FCP or any other issues, please see Chapter: Troubleshooting for the most
common issues.