Calibrated Software MXF Import v3 User Manual

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first since Calibrated{Q} IMX Decode and most Windows applications will work with IMX NTSC video frames as
Upper-Field first.

When using Calibrated{Q} MXF Import in DEMO MODE with earlier versions of CatDV, if CatDV auto-assembles
a spanned P2 clip

– the clip will appear to play in slow-motion or slower than it should. This is due to

Calibrated{Q} MXF Import only operating in DEMO MODE and only showing up to 30 seconds of a MXF file, but it
appears that CatDV still tries to play thru the true length of the P2 spanned clip thus the appearance of it playing
slower than it should. This should be fixed in later versions of CatDV.

In v2.2.0

– we added support to add a ‘fake’ TimeCode Track for MXF files without a TimeCode Track – when this

happens TimeCode is set to 00:00:00:00 (always NDF if 29.97 or 59.94) at the video rate embedded in the MXF
file. This was done so that (a) the MXF files would have a UUID ReelName and (b) Audio only MXF files could be
identified with the proper video framerate. Please note that Audio only MXF files without any associated video
framerate cannot have a TimeCode Track associated with them.

Possible Issue in 2.3.7 Avid QT Codecs for DNxHD444:

For working with DNxHD444 (RGB-encoded DNxHD

that’s new in Avid MC6) – you will need to have the Avid 2.3.7 QuickTime codecs; however at this time there
appears to be an error if 8-bit RGBA is requested from the Avid QT Codecs for DNxHD444 data

– on Mac OSX

the decoded 8-bit RGB video will look gray with a gray plaid overlay and on Windows 8-bit RGB will always be
decoded as SMPTE RGB regardless if Full Range RGB is selected. 16-bit RGBA and 8-bit YUV422 colorspaces
appear to behave as expected.

When Premiere Pro and After Effects use Calibrated{Q} MXF Import to import and open MXF files

– for reasons

unknown any MXF file with embedded Audio

will have the audio play as ‘silent’ even though Premiere Pro/After

Effects are able to see and correctly report all of the audio properties. This appears to be fixed in PPro/AE CS6.0

On OSX - If you have installed MXF4MAC, Cinemon, Flip4Mac MXF components or MediaReactor then
Calibrated{Q} MXF Import will not operate or may not properly operate when those other software plugins are
installed on your computer. To use Calibrated{Q} MXF Import, please remove those software plugins from your
computer and then restart your computer. Please note that the Flip4Mac WMV components will NOT conflict with
our software.

Premiere Pro/After Effects CS5.0.3

– The TimeCode for 23.976 MXF files, QT Ref MOV files and QT Self-

Contained MOV files is not interpreted correctly in CS5.0.3. This may be due to PPro/AE CS5.0.3 not interpreting
the 23976/1000 rate of the TimeCode Track correctly. PPro/AE CS5.5.0 does not appear to have this issue.

Calibrated MXF QuickS

tat will display ‘?’ characters for any non-ASCII character or trackname.

When using XAVC with FCP 7 or FPC X - Apple ProCodecs that come with FCP 10.0.8, or Compressor
4.0.7 or Motion 5.0.7 are needed
. Final Cut Pro 7 will only work with XAVC HD 100 MXF files. 1080p50,
1080p59.94 files may not work properly in FCP 7. 2k/3k/4k XAVC files may not work in all applications. We have
only tested 2k/3k/4k XAVC MXF files with FCP X and Compressor 4

IMPORTANT for Mountain Lion (10.8) and Mavericks (10.9) and Yosemite (10.10): QuickTime Player X is
not supported. You can download QuickTime Player 7 here:

and it will

install into the /Applications/Utilities folder and can co-exist fine with QT Player X on the same computer.

QuickLook (Finder Preview)

(1) Mountain Lion (OSX 10.8) and Lion 10.7.5: Calibrated MXF QuickLook plugin does not function

properly in OSX 10.8 or 10.7.5; however it appears to not be needed in OSX 10.8 or 10.7.5 as
those versions of OSX will call the Calibrated{Q} MXF Import component to ‘preview’ MXF
files in Finder. So starting with v2.3.0 the QuickLook plugin is not installed by the installer, if
you had installed a previous version of Calibrated{Q} MXF Import in OSX 10.8 or 10.7.5, it is
recommended to manually uninstall the Calibrated MXF QuickLook plugin by going to the
/Library/QuickLook folder and deleting the CalibratedMXFQL.qlgenerator plugin and then
restarting your computer.

(2) Mavericks (OSX 10.9) and Yosemite(10.10): QuickLook (Finder Preview) does not work

properly with MXF files. If the Calibrated MXF QuickLook component is NOT installed, then
there will be no thumbnail or video preview of a MXF file in Finder. If the Calibrated MXF