Calibrated Software MXF Import v3 User Manual
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AE/PPro which most likely would impact playback speed. This is an advanced setting in AE/PPro and should only be
used for playback and editing performance increases in PPro when working with DNxHD MXF
files using the ‘Full
Range’ option or with DNxHD MOV files embedded with the ‘RGB” Color Levels. You should NOT set this option
when working
with DNxHD MXF files using the ‘SMPTE Range’ option or with DNxHD MOV files embedded with the
‘601/709” Color Levels. Please note that if you do change this you may have to re-import any DNxHD MXF or DNxHD
MOV files into After Effects. Please see the next sub-section about Premiere Pro for more information about this
advanced option.