Dnxhd’ options for eyeon fusion, Dnxhd’ options for edius6.06 – Calibrated Software MXF Import v3 User Manual

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‘dnxhd’ options for eyeon Fusion

eyeon Fusion has their own recommended workflow for importing DNxHD MXF files into Fusion using Calibrated{Q} MXF
Import. You can learn more from this Video Tutorial that was created by eyeon:

Please direct any questions on this workflow to eyeon Fusion.

‘dnxhd’ options for Edius6.06

Control file used was the XDCAM-MXF file.

QuickTime Player 7.7.1 was also installed for the test, and no third-party hardware I/O boards were used in this test.


visual comparison tests were performed on the computer monitor by sight.

Edius does not use Calibrated{Q} MXF Import to natively import MXF files so your workflow would be to create
QuickTime Reference MOV files of DNxHD MXF files using Calibrated{Q} Import Assist and import the QT Ref MOV files
into Edius. After importing the QT Ref MOV files into Edius you could either editi with them or convert them into a native
Edius format. Please note that no realtime editing speed tests were done with the QT Ref MOV files on a Edius timeline.

In our Edius tests the files, DNxHD-RGB-GAMMA-REFMXF & DNxHD-RGB-REFMXF are visually the same

– so the

Gamma Extension appears to not make a difference in Edius.

In our test, we created a 1280x720p59.94 8-bit Project with Canopus HQ Standard as the render format.

When working in the Edius project, the XDCAM-MXF file was visually the same as DNxHD-RGB-REFMXF on the Edius
timeline, while the file DNxHD-709-REFMXF was brighter than the other two files on the Eduis timeline.

It would appear that Edius will always request RGB video from the Avid QuickTime Codecs, and Edius would expect the
RGB to be in Full Range

RGB. Therefore setting the ‘dnxhd’ options to Full RGB (0-255) when creating QT Ref MOV files

from DNxHD MXF files should yield the best results for you in Edius.

No exporting or render tests were done in Edius. Please note that no realtime editing speed tests were done with the QT
Ref MOV files on an Edius timeline, presumably playback speeds would be slower than realtime since you are not
working in a native Edius format.