Brandmotion FLTW-7603 User Manual
Installation instructions

7603 Instructions 5-29-14.doc
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Snap-In Lip Mount CMOS Camera with Optional Grid Lines
(Kit # FLTW-7603)
Please read thoroughly before starting installation and check that kit contents are
Items Included in the Kit:
Tools & Supplies Needed:
Hole Saw for camera mount
Chassis Harness
Power Harness
These Instructions with Template
¼” Drill Bit (If Needed)
Center Punch
Power Drill
Wire Ties
Electrical Tape or Heat Shrink Tubing
Plastic Trim Removal Tool
Soldering Iron & Solder
Small grommet or Silicone (If needed)
Vehicle service manual (If needed)
Safety Precautions:
• Work in well ventilated area that is clear of obstructions.
• Secure vehicle with tire chucks in both front and rear of tires.
• Turn vehicle accessories OFF and ensure ignition key is in OFF position.
• Wear safety goggles and snug fitting clothes.
• Use tools only for their intended purpose and which are in good repair.
• Only perform this task if confidence, skill, and physical ability permit.
NOTE: We strive to provide accurate and up-to-date installation instructions.
Step 1: Determine Camera location. Place
template in desired position to confirm fitment.
(IMPORTANT: Some states prohibit items blocking
the license plate; check local authorities to confirm
legal status for your application).
Step 2: Mark Camera location with supplied
template, Center Punch the mark, and use
supplied 19mm Hole Saw to drill Camera
mounting hole. NOTE: If your vehicle has a
liftgate panel/ trunk trim cover, it must be
Step 3: (If necessary) Use a ¼” Drill Bit to
make a pass through hole in any obstructing
panel for the Camera Harness connector.