Brandmotion 9002-9701 User Manual
Brandmotion For the car

9701 Instructions 11-26-12.doc
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9701 Instructions 11-26-12.doc Page 1 of 1
9002-9701 Installation Instructions
(Infinity Manual Dimming Wedge Mount
Read instructions before installing. For the latest full color instructions please
NOTE 1: This mirror has a Wedge/ D-tab style mounting base. Please check
our application guide to ensure it is compatible with your vehicle (for specific
applications, adapters are available separately). In some cases, it may be
necessary to remove a cover to access the wedge mount on the windshield
and/or modify the cover slightly to clear the mirror mount.
NOTE 2: If your vehicle is equipped with a mirror cover, mirror adjustability
may be restricted.
To install:
1. Loosen vehicle mirror screw using a T20 Torx driver and remove
existing vehicle mirror.
CAUTION: Do not twist mirror as windshield damage could result.
2. Carefully slide supplied Mirror onto the windshield tab.
3. Torque supplied Mirror screw to 1.8 Nm (16 lb-in) and do not exceed
2.2 Nm (19.5 lb-in).
To operate, push tab on bottom of mirror forward to dim. Pull tab backward
to undim mirror.
9002-9701 Installation Instructions
(Infinity Manual Dimming Wedge Mount
Read instructions before installing. For the latest full color instructions please
NOTE 1: This mirror has a Wedge/ D-tab style mounting base. Please check
our application guide to ensure it is compatible with your vehicle (for specific
applications, adapters are available separately). In some cases, it may be
necessary to remove a cover to access the wedge mount on the windshield
and/or modify the cover slightly to clear the mirror mount.
NOTE 2: If your vehicle is equipped with a mirror cover, mirror adjustability
may be restricted.
To install:
1. Loosen vehicle mirror screw using a T20 Torx driver and remove
existing vehicle mirror.
CAUTION: Do not twist mirror as windshield damage could result.
2. Carefully slide supplied Mirror onto the windshield tab.
3. Torque supplied Mirror screw to 1.8 Nm (16 lb-in) and do not exceed
2.2 Nm (19.5 lb-in).
To operate, push tab on bottom of mirror forward to dim. Pull tab backward
to undim mirror.