Autocue QPro User Guide User Manual

Page 18

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QPro User Guide HM.docx 2011-07-14


© 2003-2011 Autocue Group Ltd.

The formatting changes shown above may also be made using the corresponding button on the

Script Editor button bar:

or by selecting them from the Format option on the Script Editor menu bar:

Choose a different font

Choosing Format >> Font from the Script Editor menu bar opens the Select Font dialog.

Choose a different typeface and then select the required size for the text. An example of the
appearance of your chosen settings is displayed in the lower display panel of the dialog.

When you are satisfied with your selections, click OK.


Default QPro scripts are written as white text on a black background. Inverse changes any

highlighted text to be black text on a white background.

Highlight the text you wish to change

Select Format >> Inverse from the main menu bar of the Script Editor interface. If the highlighted

section has already had a different colour applied to the text, selecting Inverse changes this to

be black text on the coloured background.

Format All

The Format All dialog allows you to change more than one attribute of the text in your