Autocue QMaster User Manual
Mos configuration guide for qmaster

1. Prerequisite: Install QMaster and QBox. The QMaster and QBox installation guide is here:
2. Confirm that you have been licensed for the MOS interface. In QMaster, go to Help->About and then
click on the License tab.
If you don’t have the MOS Data DLL option, contact Autocue sales.
3. A note about MOS IDs
The newsroom system will have a MOS ID (also known as NCS ID) assigned to it. This MOS ID needs to be
entered into QMaster MOS setup. Conversely, the prompter MOS ID will need to be entered into the
newsroom system MOS setup as a target (or client) for the MOS communications. The actual MOS
names you choose for the newsroom system and prompter system is not important. What is important
is that you are consistent with the names across the two systems. For example: If the prompter MOS ID
is set to be AUTOCUE and newsroom MOS ID is set to be ENPS, then AUTOCUE must be the name used
in both the QMaster MOS setup and the newsroom system MOS setup as the prompter MOS ID. ENPS
must be the name used in both the QMaster MOS setup and the newsroom system MOS setup as the
newsroom system MOS ID. Note that MOS IDs are usually case sensitive.