Autocue QPro Quick Start User Manual

Qpro quick reference card, Connections, Starting qpro

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Issue #: 090924 ©2003-2009 Autocue Group Ltd


Installation & Operation

QPro Quick Reference Card


Ensure all cables are securely attached before
starting your prompter computer and the QPro

Starting QPro

You can start the QPro software by either
double-clicking the QPro icon on the computer
desktop or selecting the name from the Start
menu of the Windows operating system.

Create/Open Scripts and


F i l e > > N e w from the main menu bar.

Choose the required file type.



F i l e > > O p e n and navigate to open an

existing script or runorder.



F i l e > > R e c e n t l y U s e d to select from a

list of previosly opened files.

The QPro toolbars provide alternative methods
of performing editing tasks.

Manage Rundowns

Right-click on the bar at the end of the runorder
to insert a new script.


Press the

I n s e r t key on the keyboard.



S t o r y > > N e w from the main munu bar.

Type in a script name and press

E n t e r .

Right-click on an item name to access the
context menu options for that item.

Click and drag a script name to change its
position in the runorder.

Edit Scripts


Script Editor pane

If working with a rundown, you can edit scripts
in the Script Editor pane on the right of your

Place the cursor where you wish to edit and
type your changes.

Double-click on an item name to open the text
in the Script Editor pane. You can perform
standard word processing tasks on the script.

Alternatively, you can open a Simple Script file
and the Script Editor occupies the whole

The QPro toolbars provide alternative methods
of performing editing tasks.


Import scripts

If a script has been created in an application
other than QPro you can import it into a QPro
Rundown. To do this use the Import option in
the Script menu and then locate the file you
want to import.

QPro supports the following file types:

Microsoft Word 97/ 2000/2003

Rich Text Format (.rtf)

Unicode Text

Plain Text (.txt)


Export scripts

You can export a script so that it can be
opened by another application. Highlight a
script in the rundown and select

F i l e > >

E x p o r t . . . and follow the isntructions.