Changed counters (interface upgrades) – Rockwell Automation FactoryTalk Historian SE 3.0 UniInt Interface User Guide User Manual

Page 42

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Windows Performance Counters


Counter Name


IO Rate

The number of events per second received by the interface. If this
counter is viewed from the Windows performance monitor, one should
increase the update time of the performance monitor to the minimum
scan period for the interface. For example, say that the minimum
scanning period for the interface is 5 seconds (/f=5). One can set the
update rate of the performance monitor to 5 seconds by selecting the
“Chart…” command from the Options menu. In the dialog box, change
the periodic update time to 5 seconds. If the update time is left at 1
second, then the IO Rate will appear to go to zero between scans
because no events are received between scans.

Point Count

Number of points loaded by the interface.

Scan Time

Time in milliseconds to call developer function and to write values to

There is one “Scan Time” counter per scan class.

Scheduled Scans:
% Missed

Percentage of missed scans since starting the interface. If a scan
occurs more than 1 second after its scheduled time, the scan is
considered missed.

There is one “Missed Scans” counter per scan


Related counters:
Scheduled Scans: % Skipped
Scheduled Scans: Scans this interval

Scheduled Scans,
% Skipped

Percentage of skipped scans since starting the interface. If a scan
occurs 1 scan period or more after its scheduled time, then 1 or more
scans are considered skipped.

There is one “Skipped Scans” counter

per scan class.

Related counters:
Scheduled Scans, % Missed
Scheduled Scans, Scans this interval

Scheduled Scans:
Scans this interval

The total number of scans in the current performance interval. This
total is the current sample size that is used to evaluate the % Missed
Scans and the % Skipped scans. The performance interval is 8 hours
by default, but this can be changed by the /perf command-line
parameter. The minimum performance interval is 60 seconds (see the
/perf parameter for more information). When the performance interval
is exceeded, the previous samples are discarded and the sampling
starts again from scratch.

Related counters:
Scheduled Scans, % Skipped
Scheduled Scans, % Missed

Log file message count

Number of messages that have been written to the log file. Only
applies to the instance _Total.

Points edited in the

Number of point edits that have occurred. Only applies to the instance

Points added to the

Number of point that have been added to the interface. Only applies to
the instance _Total

Points removed from
the interface

Number of point that have been removed from the interface. Only
applies to the instance _Total

Changed Counters (Interface Upgrades)

UniInt checks whether performance counters are installed for the interface every time that
the interface starts as a service. If performance counters are not installed, then performance