Automate installation verification – Rockwell Automation 61C613 16 Channel Analog Input Module User Manual
Page 15

b. Compile the BASIC tasks TEST613.CNF, SETUP613.BAS, and
c. Load the three tasks listed in step b" onto the CPU.
d. Use the RUNALL command to start all three tasks.
e. Disconnect the cable from the programming port on the CPU
and connect it to the port labeled PORT A".
f. Select the menu option labeled COMMUNICATIONS
INTERFACE" from the main DCS 5000 ReSource software menu.
g. Type C
h. The programming terminal should now display the test and setup
menu for the module. The menu reads CHECKOUT MENU FOR
16 CHANNEL ANALOG INPUT MODULE". Follow the instructions
displayed on the menu to read the inputs from the module.
AutoMate Installation Verification
In the AutoMate, each channel must be first configured for
thermocouple type (J, K, etc.), voltage, gain, and offset, before
reading the analog inputs. You will also need the application program
disk that accompanied the module. The programs you will use are in
the AutoMate subdirectory. They are identified by the file extension,
e.g., extension 30 means the program is for use with an AutoMate 30.
The last letter of the filename (m or s) identifies whether the program
is for multiple modules (m) or a single module (s). As of the date of
publication, not all of the application programs are available. If the
specific application program you need is not included on the
application disk, it will be necessary for you to enter the program
a. Using the AutoMate Programming Executive, edit the defaults for
the 20,040 through 20,137 range of registers in the AutoMate
application program included on the applications disk that
accompanied the module.
b. Note that the default slot number for the module is 4. Be sure to
make the appropriate changes in the program if your module is
not in that slot (i.e., change the address values in the MOVRM
and MOVMR blocks). Once you have done so, edit registers
20,024 for the last analog channel (0Ć15) to be read and then edit
registers 20,040 through 20,137. The program can now run and
read the analog values based on the values you entered.
c. Use to Point Register mode and call up point 0.00. Set the bit to a
one. This is the start/run contact in the program used to: 1)
configure the card, and 2) read the 16 channels. Once you have
configured the card for the first time after power up and wish to
do so again, you can: 1) power down and then up again, and set
0.00 to one, or 2) zero out register 3010 in the program and reset
0.00 from zero to one.
d. The values of the analog inputs are read from registers 3500
through 3517. You can see these values using the Point Monitor