Rockwell Automation 2711E-ND1 Reference Manual PanelBuilder 1400e User Manual
Page 199

Publication 2711E-6.15 – November 1998
time display, 165
wedges, 37
Online Help. See Help
Out of range values, in trends, 169
PanelBuilder 1400e
README.TXT file, P–3
related publications, P–2
software registration, P–2
support services, P–5
Web site, P–5
Panels, 37
Pen value labels, configuring, 173
configuring, 172
configuring value labels, in trends, 173
maximum in trends, 167
handshaking, 95
message triggering, 52
Plotting, foreground/background, 168
Printers, and screen prints, 115, 167
Publications, related, P–2
Push buttons, 97
differences between, 98
emergency stops, 97, 99, 101
function, 97
interlocked, 111
latched, 103
maintained, 105
multistate, 108
normally closed momentary, 101
normally open momentary, 98
safety considerations, 97, 99, 101
types, 97
README.TXT file, about, P–3
Rectangles, 37
Registering PanelBuilder 1400e, P–2
Version 5 features, P–1
Related publications, P–2
hardware, P–5
software, P–5
Retain cursor on cancel, 28, 77, 83
Return to previous screen button, 117, 118
configuring, 118
Safety considerations, push buttons, 97, 99,
Scales, 113
about, 113
configuring, 113, 114
customizing, 113
Screen keypad enable button, 117, 121
configuring, 122
Screen list selector, 117, 119
configuring, 120
Screen print button, 115
about, 115
configuring, 116
printer compatibility, 115, 167
memory requirements, 115
Screen select keypad, 117
configuring, 121
Screen selectors, 117
about, 117
Scrolling list, 123
about, 123
example, 143
ladder logic, 149
Security, 40
Set bit cursor point, 19, 26
configuring, 33
default operation, 30
defining character, 32
defining display field, 32
operation on power-up, 31
retained default operation, 31
using a keyboard, 29
using the Set Bit Cursor Point, 28
Sizing, graphic images, 44
Skipped states, configuring, in scrolling
lists, 131
registration, P–2
requirements, P–5
Software mode switch, 40, 41
disable, 42
enable, 42
terminal behavior at power–up, 42
Support services, P–5