What is a model thumbnail, Rerun the simulation, What is a model thumbnail? rerun the simulation – Rockwell Automation Arena Basic Edition Users Guide User Manual

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With the edits complete, you may want to save them by clicking Save or pressing Ctrl+S.

Rerun the simulation

Now that we’ve made our animation more interesting and valuable, let’s run the simula-
tion again. Because we didn’t change any of the process parameters (i.e., data in the
modules), the simulation will provide the same results.

Click Run (or press the F5 key) to start the simulation. As the simulation progresses,
you’ll notice the Mortgage Review Clerk’s picture change from idle (sitting at the desk) to
busy (reading a document) and back again, as mortgage application entities move through
the Review Application process.

The plot shows some significant peaks in the number of applications that are under review,
caused by the combination of the variation in the time between arrivals of applications
(defined in the Create module) and the time to process applications (Process module).

What is a model thumbnail?

The Navigate panel on the Project Bar provides a model navigation tree for maneuvering
through the different named views and hierarchical levels defined in the model. Included
as part of the Navigate panel is a model thumbnail that helps users orient and change the
current view within the active drawing window.

The thumbnail displays the world space of the current drawing window. A colored,
translucent rectangle represents the current view's boundaries. Dragging the rectangle in
the thumbnail moves the drawing window's current view left, right, up, or down; however,
the rectangle may not be dragged outside the boundaries of the world space.

You may also re-center the rectangle, and thus the world space, or change the level of
zoom. For details on model thumbnail, see the Navigate Panel topic in online help.