Figure 29 the plotter plate calibration window – Rockwell Automation Allen-Bradley Plot Software User Manual User Manual
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10. To move the plotter arm to the
calibration cross at the upper
left corner of the plotter plate
fixture, do either of the
a. Click on the arrow buttons
on the computer screen.
b. Click on either of the
numbered boxes, then press
Enter on your keyboard. To
make adjustments, either use
the arrow buttons on the
computer screen or type in a
different number.
Figure 29 The Plotter Plate Calibration Window
The pen should make a mark at the center of the cross of the plotter plate
fixture. If this mark is not exactly on center, adjust the Horizontal and Vertical
values until the mark is centered on the crosshairs. (Note: 1 plotter unit = 25
µm = 0.001 inches)
11. Press “Plot Reference Point” to verify calibration
12. Select “Accept” to close the plotter plate calibration window after
13. Press “Accept” to accept the plotter settings. Verify that all settings are
14. Select OK from the Output Window (Figure 26), then select continue
from the Plot Preview Window. The plotter will now plot an X on the 4
corner markers. If the X is not centered on the markers, repeat steps 6 through 9,
but adjust the calibration point such that it is off-center of the crosshairs to an extent
to compensate for the off-center dimension.
15. Once the X plot at the center of the 4 corner markers, the system is
calibrated and you are ready to plot on markers.
16. Exit the Input Screen by selecting "File", then "Close...". Exit the Plate
Location Window by selecting "File", then "Close...".
Use transparent
tape to avoid
marking the plate.