Stainless Works Ford Mustang GT 1996-04 Headers User Manual

04 mustang header installation instructions

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Exhaust installation is best performed on a lift by a qualified technician. Before starting
any work, make sure that vehicle is adequately supported before starting, and raised as
high as possible for easy removal of the manifolds.

1. Disconnect battery, remove air intake, and stock H-pipe
2. Remove starter (using a long extension and swivel socket.) You will have to come

in from the front, over the top of the motor mount to get the top 2 bolts.
Disconnect steering at rack, push shaft off to the side.

3. Remove air tube from left manifold (if you loosen it at the top it makes it easier to

work with and hook back up later).

4. Remove nuts on both motor mounts studs as they pass thru frame mounts. You

will need to jack up each side of the motor to get to the upper exhaust manifold
nuts, as well as tighten them after headers are installed.

5. Unbolt left manifold and remove from car.
6. On 3


port back, remove both studs from head, cut the hex off the end of the stud

and reinstall.

7. Put in header, put on studs and loosely install all nuts
8. Put steering shaft back on rack and tighten. Tighten header nuts. Install and

tighten air tube

9. Remove right side manifold. You will have to jack up right side of motor to not

only get all the nuts but also to get manifold out.

10. With motor still jacked up put right header in, install all nuts first then tighten.
11. With motor still jacked up reinstall starter using the same technique as the

removal (there is a small hole in the right fender well that you can sort of see
through to see where the starter bolts go, it is difficult so be patient).

12. Lower motor down, reinstall motor mount nuts and torque to factory specs.
13. Slip one 3” clamp onto each header followed by the high flow converters or off

road pipes. Next, slide one 3” clamp onto the outlet of the converter or off road
pipe and install the short ball flange assembly. Next, install the x pipe assembly,
followed by the ball flange x pipe outlets.

14. Reinstall the factory exhaust system in the reverse order it was removed. Once all

pipes fit properly, we recommend breaking the exhaust apart and using red high
temp RTV at each joint to ensure a leak proof seal. Tighten all clamps making
sure that there is adequate clearance. Reinstall the O2 sensors, using a small
amount of never seize on the threads. Be sure to only apply never seize to the
threads-if this is applied to the O2 element it will ruin the O2 sensor. Connect to