Stainless Works Chevy Silverado/GMC Sierra 1/2 Ton 1999-02 Headers User Manual

Stainless Works For the car

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99-06 CHEVY/GMC 4.8, 5.3, 6.0 L TRUCK HEADERS

Thanks for purchasing Stainless Works headers for your truck. We have gone to great pains to
make sure that our headers fit and perform flawlessly. Please follow these steps to ensure that
your installation goes as planned.

1. Disconnect battery, and make sure vehicle is adequately supported on jackstands before

beginning any work. Remove spark plug wires and spark plugs, O2 sensors, dipstick, and
water temp sender in left cylinder head (this is not required but will make removal and
installation easier).

2. Remove transmission cross-member, being sure to support transmission, and then remove

factory headpipes. Remove factory manifolds by loosening all mounting bolts, then
remove drivers side from bottom, and passenger side from top.

3. Install headers by inserting driver’s side header in from bottom, and passenger side

header from top. (It may help to remove the coil pack assembly & bracket along with the
oil filler extension tube and the air filter inlet to throttle body.) It may also help to loosen
the starter mounting bolts. Using sensor safe red high temp RTV at each joint, install
passenger side header extension pipe to mate with factory flange. Install driver’s side
converter and lead-pipe assembly. Install new header gaskets (not supplied) between
header and cylinder head, and re-use factory manifold bolts. Tighten to factory torque
specifications. Reinstall factory transmission cross-member, and make sure you have
adequate clearance. Install the supplied gasket between the two bolt flange and the
factory 2 bolt connector and tighten the mounting bolts-depending on the year of your
vehicle, you may have to drive out the factory studs from the 2 bolt flange and replace
them with the supplied fasteners. Confirm that the wires for the starter and the
transmission cooler lines are NOT touching the header tubes.

4. Install O2 sensors with never-seize on the threads-be sure not to touch or get never seize

on the O2 element. Tighten all clamps and flange bolts to the proper torque specification.

5. Drive vehicle for 10-20 miles, and re-torque all fasteners to proper torque specifications.

Drivers side

Passengers side

Y-pipe to flange connection



FAX: 440-543-9183