Stainless Works Ford Shelby GT500 2007-10 Exhausts User Manual
Stainless Works For the car

1. Remove the factory exhaust system starting at the rear of car. It may be necessary
to have the exhaust system at full droop to aid in removal and reinstallation.
2. Install lead pipes and 2 clamps over adapters.
3. Install front over axle pipes and 2 clamps.
4. Install over axle to muffler inlet pipes and 2 clamps.
5. Slide muffler inlet pipes into mufflers with 2 clamps on each muffler (4 total)
6. Position muffler in place, and slide muffler inlet pipe onto the over axle pipes.
Insert the hangers which are welded to the mufflers in factory hanger mounts.
The front muffler hangers will need to be unbolted from the frame to allow them
to be first slid onto the hanger pins on the mufflers and then rebolted to the frame.
7. Starting at front of exhaust, adjust pipes to ensure adequate clearance to floor and
surrounding areas. Once the system is fitted properly, we recommend breaking
the system apart and cutting (4) ¼” to ½” deep notches into the expanded pipes,
and de-burring thoroughly. These notches will allow the pipes to compress when
the clamps are tightened. Also apply a film of red high temp RTV at each joint to
aid in sealing.
8. Reinstall the exhaust system and adjust pipes for adequate clearance. Tighten
clamps as you work toward the rear of the car.
Place the two pieces supplied Koolmat wrap around the EVAC tube at the top of the
passenger side over axle using three supplied zip ties on each. This will provide extra
assurance that the EVAC tube will not melt. Adjust tailpipe so there is a min of ½”
clearance between the wrapped EVAC tubes and the over axle. See before and after
pictures below:
Unwrapped EVAC Tube
Wrapped EVAC Tube (picture #1)
Wrapped EVAC Tube (picture #2)