Sensaphone 1400 User Manual

Page 50

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Sensaphone 1400 Manual



The Exit Delay feature is useful when you are using your 1400
for security monitoring. This feature allows you to exit a building
without tripping a security alarm. When tripping an alarm is
unavoidable, yet a true alert condition has not actually occurred, the
alarm response—including dial-out—can be temporarily suppressed.

The 1400 is able to suppress and then reset its dial-out function
automatically through use of the Status Report. This is especially
convenient when an alert condition is created upon exiting a
monitored door, and there is no way to cancel from the local

Note: The Exit Delay feature applies only to Zones

configured as NO/NC.

Example: You are planning to exit through a monitored door. Prior
to exiting, you initiate a Status Report recitation at the 1400 keypad
by pressing [WHAT IS], followed by [STATUS], (key sequence
shown below). This allows you the duration of the status report to
exit without activating the 1400’s programmed response to an alarm.
At the conclusion of the status report, normal alarm response is

1. Press WHAT IS.

2. Press STATUS.

The 1400 recites the full Status Report; during this time, you are
able to exit the monitored area without tripping an alarm.