Analyze the test runs – MTS Fracture Template User Manual
Page 72
Validity Results Table
The Validity Results table includes the Display Name, Value, Modified Indicator, Original Value, and
Calculation. The Display Name includes the validity criteria. The Value and Original Value columns contain
indicators that are Yes or No values. The validity of the test results can change because of changes in
test values.
K-R Curve
The K-R Curve table provides per-cycle data. If the specimen is a Single Edge (Bend) type, the table does
not receive data. The table includes:
Load Intercept
COD Intercept
Effective Stress Intensity
Physical Stress Intensity
Net Section Stress
Channels by Time
The Channels by Time table lists all data points collected in arrays:
KIC Time Array
KIC Load Array
KIC Crack Opening Displacement Inverted Array
Displacement Inverted Array
The charts provide visual indicators of the data reported in the tables.
The Load vs. Time chart indicates changes in the load during the test.
The COD vs. Time chart indicates changes in the crack opening displacement during the test.
The Displacement vs. Time chart indicates changes in the displacement during the test.
The Load vs. COD chart indicates how the load changes as the load crack opening displacement gage
reading changes during the test. This chart shows pop-ins, if any occur in the test.
The K-R Curve chart indicates the valid and invalid stress intensity data points.
Analyze the Test Runs
Each test that you create from an MTS template contains a default analysis definition that can be used to
analyze the test run in either the Fatigue Analyzer or Fracture Analyzer application.
To analyze the test runs, use one of the following methods to open the test in one of the Analyzer
72 | MTS TestSuite
KIC Fracture Toughness Template