MTS Fracture Template User Manual

Page 49

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Specify the length of time to hold at constant
COD or Displacement in the hold crack

JIC Crack Propagation Hold

propagation activity. If this time is zero, the
hold crack propagation activity is bypassed.

Specify the inverse of the compliance of the
test system. This term is used to determine

JIC Frame Stiffness

the displacement due to load frame
deflection and the deformation of fixtures.
The resulting displacement is subtracted
from the measured displacement when
calculating the energy absorbed by the
specimen. This is particularly important when
using SE(B) specimens.

Specify the ramp rate for the initial ramp
segment when it is done in load control.

JIC Load Ramp Rate

Specify the number of unload and reload
segment pairs to perform in each step
increment of the JIC test.

JIC Number Of Unloads

Specify the percentage of the load of the final
precrack cycle to use as the load for the end
of the first ramp segment.

JIC Percent Of Final
Precrack Load

Specify the amount of force to unload as a
percentage of the increment peak load.

JIC Percent Unload

Specify a value other than zero to apply a
COD limit during the ramp segment of a JIC

JIC Ramp COD Limit

step. The limit trips if the measured COD
exceeds the specified limit value during the
ramp segment of a step. When the limit trips,
the JIC step immediately switches to the hold
segment of the JIC step.

Specify a value other than zero to apply a
load limit during the ramp segment of a JIC

JIC Ramp Load Limit

step. The limit trips if the measured load
exceeds the specified limit value during the
ramp segment of a step. When the limit trips,
the JIC step immediately switches to the hold
segment of the JIC step.

Specify the rate for the ramp segment of the
JIC step.

JIC Ramp Rate

MTS TestSuite | 49

JIC Fracture Toughness Template