Analyze the test runs – MTS Fracture Template User Manual

Page 59

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Complete Displacement Data

Complete JIC Step Array


The charts provide visual indicators of the data reported in the tables.

The Crack Sizes vs. Steps chart indicates as a curve how the crack grows during the load steps.

The Load vs. Time chart indicates changes in the load during the test.

The Displacement vs. Time chart indicates changes in the displacement during the test.

The Load vs. Load Line Displacement chart indicates changes in the load as the load line displacement

The Load vs. COD chart indicates how the load changes as the load crack opening displacement gage
reading changes during the test.

The Ramp Hold Load vs. Ramp Hold COD chart indicates how the load changes as the crack opening
displacement gage reading changes during the ramp-and-hold steps.

The J vs. Delta a(p) chart indicates the J-integral value at each point of physical crack extension.

The CTOD vs. Delta a(p) chart indicates the crack tip opening displacement value at each point of
physical crack extension.

Analyze the Test Runs

Each test that you create from an MTS template contains a default analysis definition that can be used to
analyze the test run in either the Fatigue Analyzer or Fracture Analyzer application.

To analyze the test runs, use one of the following methods to open the test in one of the Analyzer

From either the Fatigue Analyzer or Fracture Analyzer application, click File > Open Test and select
the test that you want to analyze.

Open the test in the Multipurpose Elite application and on the Tools menu, click Fatigue Analyzer or
Fracture Analyzer.

The selected Analyzer application opens the test.

For more information

See the Fatigue Analyzer User Guide for information on how to create an analysis run.

MTS TestSuite | 59

JIC Fracture Toughness Template