Memmert HCP 246 Humidity Chambers (Generation 2003) User Manual
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3.2 Standard equipment of HCP units
Electronic fuzzy-supported PID process controller with plus-package control and permanent power
proportioning and a time-saving autodiagnostic system for rapid fault finding (see section 22)
Recessing push/turn control for simple operation of oven
Language selection (English, French, Spanish, Italian, German)
Alphanumerical text display
Large-area all-round heating with additional heat conduction jacket
Capacitive humidity sensor
Active humidity control (fresh air via sterile filter) avoids condensation and ensures rapid
achievement of set humidity as well as short recovery times
Uniform atmosphere and temperature distribution through encapsulated and turbulence-free
Control of oven and documentation of actual values on MEMoryCard XL
Programme sequence control for up to 40 ramp segments
7 different ramp exit commands for advanced temperature applications
STERIcard for fully automatic sterilisation control during hot air sterilisation of complete cabinet
including sensors and fan disc
Integral weekly programmer with group function (e.g. all workdays)
Two separate PT100 temperature sensors Class A in 4-wire circuit for control and monitoring
Digital monitor controller for overtemperature, undertemperature, and as automatically setpoint
following monitor (ASF)
Mechanical temperature limiter (TB Class 1)
Monitor relay to switch off heating in case of fault
Visual alarm indication
Audible signal on over-/undertemperature, over-/under-humidity and open door
Internal documentation memory 1024kB as ring memory for all temperature and humidity values,
errors and settings with real-time and date. Documentation approx. 3 months at 1 minute storage
Calibration possible without separate PC: 3-point calibration for temperature on the controller and
2-point calibration for humidity at 20% rH and 90% rH
Parallel printer interface (PCL3-compatible) for printing documentation data
Serial RS-232C interface for computer-supported temperature programmes and for reading the
internal report memory
MEMMERT software “Celsius 2007“ for control and documentation of temperature and relative
humidity via a PC
A pre-formatted blank MEMoryCard XL with 32 kB storage capacity, reprogrammable for up to 40
ramp segments and additionally 270 hours report memory at 1 minute intervals