Loadstar Sensors DS-3000 Digital Load Cell Display & Controller User Manual
Page 30

DS3000 User Guide
Loadstar Sensors, Inc.
Page: 30 / 48
033-01419 Rev. 4
7. Select
pnt1rb for pnt1 using the enter key to select.
8. Press
to trgr 2, press enter and a new numeric field appears. Enter 2300 Lbs. Press
when completed.
9. Select
pnt2ra for pnt2 using the enter key to select. This will reset the output, and terminate
the sequence, every time the weight rises above 2300 Lbs. The process cannot be restarted
until the remote input is triggered again…
10. Press down to sen1 corresponding to sensor 1. Press enter until “
is displayed. This
means that the trigger condition will include the sum of sensor 1.
11. Press down and repeat for SEN2, SEN3 and SEN4. This way the sum of all four sensors will be
used to determine the trigger criteria.
12. Finally, press down to duratn, press enter and make sure it is set to contin. This means the
output will remain active during the whole time nly pulse for this interval when either the
minimum or maximum condition occurs.
13. Press enter to leave this field
14. Now exit programming mode: Press mode until the run entry
15. Then press enter to return to run mode.
16. Once in run mode, the program is now fully functional and operating. Try it out!
9.2 Empty Tank Warning
This application uses a scale platform, made with 4 sensors mounted on the corners of a square slab of
Aluminum, with a tank of liquid, in this example, a nitrogen Dewar atop the platform. Liquid Nitrogen, over
time is used up and the tank slowly loses weight. At some point the weight is reduced to the point where
the Dewar needs to be replaced- Since the replacement process can take a day or more, some advanced
warning is appropriate.
Therefore this application has two lights, yellow, which indicates the Dewar should be scheduled for
replacement, and red, which signals the Dewar is empty, and should be replaced. With both lights off, there
is nothing to do.
Table 1: Dewar Replacement Chart
Relay 1
Relay 2
Tank is Empty
Reorder Tank
0 Lbs
40 Lbs
70 LBS … 250 Lbs
Application Requirements:
1. 4x sensors each with 250 Lb load capacity each = 1000 Lb total scale load capacity
2. Assume this Dewar has a full weight of 250 Lbs, and an empty weight of 40 lbs. If typical usage
is 15 Lbs/day, and it takes 2 days to receive a shipment, then the yellow light should activate at
30+40=70 lbs, and the red light at 40 lbs (tank empty).
3. Let Sensor 1 – Sensor 4 correspond to the four load-cells, mounted to the measurement plate.
Each is connected to one of the four DS-3000 module inputs.