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Lenze · Backup & Restore · Software Manual · DMS 1.3 EN · 04/2014 · TD17



Creating a backup & carrying out recovery


Creating a backup

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Creating a backup & carrying out recovery

The »Backup & Restore« functionality of the controller can be executed using different software

applications. They are listed in the following subchapters.
There are different possibilities for carrying out a backup, restore/update:

1. With the Engineering PC: »Backup & Restore« application/via »WebConfig«
2. Directly with the »Backup & Restore« application.

Standard procedure


Creating a backup


• A backup saves all data of the controller. (data of the internal flash memory and data

of the SD card).

• For a successful creation of a backup there has to be a sufficient amount of free memory

capacity on the USB stick.

Guide value for the size of a backup file:

• Windows CE 6.0: 100 MB (3200 C/p500)
• Windows Embedded Compact 7: 200 MB (c300/p300)
• Windows Embedded Standard: 2 GB

• The free memory capacity of the USB stick at least has to be half of the SD card

capacity + 2 GB (guide value for Windows embedded standard).

• Remove the USB stick from the controller after the successful execution of the backup.