2 canopen for the user, 1 used modules, Canopen for the user – Lenze PLC Designer PLC Designer (R2-x) CANopen for Runtime Systems User Manual

Page 7: Used modules

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L-force | PLC Designer - CANopen for Runtime Systems

CANopen-Master library


DMS 2.0 EN 05/2009 TD29

• Heartbeat

Automatic sending and guarding of heartbeat messages.

• Emergency

Receiving and storing of emergency messages from the configured slaves.

• The direct communication between slaves via PDOs is possible, but must be configured


The following functions defined in CANopen are currently not supported by the Lenze CANopen library
(State: May 2005):

• Dynamic identifier assignment

• Dynamic SDO connections

• Blockwise SDO transfer

• The guarding of more than one heartbeat from the CAN Device viewpoint.

• Network variables according to CANopen specification DS302

• Modules according to DS405.

• All possibilities of the CANopen protocol not mentioned above

2.2 CANopen for the user

2.2.1 Used modules

To realize the CANopen-library easily and practically, the following modules are necessary:

For a simple and practical realization of the CANopen function under a »PLC Designer«
programmable PLC the following modules are required:

• A »PLC Designer« programming system, as from version V2.3 SP5, with integrated CANopen-


• The STANDARD.LIB, providing the standard functions defined in IEC-61131 for the PLC.

• In »PLC Designer« programmable multitasking systems the libraries SysLibSem.lib (semaphores

for the exclusive processing of certain code sections) and SysLibCallback.lib (IEC-function calls at
certain events) are used to get a multitasking-save access on CAN.

• EDS-files for all slaves which are part of the network. The EDS-files are provided by the hardware

manufacturer of the CANopen-Slaves.

• The library 3S_CANDRV.Lib, realizing the CAN base functions. The library is hardware-dependent

and must be available as external (or internal) »PLC Designer« library.

This library usually is provided by the PLC manufacturer and has a uniform interface to

• The library 3S_CanOpenManager.Lib, providing the CANopen base functionalities.

• One or several of the libraries 3S_CanOpenNetVar, 3S_CanOpenDevice and

3S_CanOpenMaster. Depends on the desired functionality.