3 functionality of the libraries at runtime, 1 implicit services of the canopen-master library, Functionality of the libraries at runtime – Lenze PLC Designer PLC Designer (R2-x) CANopen for Runtime Systems User Manual

Page 10: Implicit services of the canopen-master library

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L-force | PLC Designer - CANopen for Runtime Systems

CANopen-Master library

DMS 2.0 EN 05/2009 TD29


2.3 Functionality of the libraries at runtime

2.3.1 Implicit services of the CANopen-Master library

The CANopenMaster library provides implicit services for the »PLC Designer« application that are
sufficient for most of the implementations. These services are integrated transparently to the user and
are available within the application without the need of explicit calls.

Among those services there are the following:

• Reset of all configured slaves at system’s startup


In order to reset the slaves, per default the NMT command ”Reset Remote Node“ is
used, explicitly and singly for each slave. (As per CANopen NMT Network
Management. The particular commands are described in document DSP301.) The
experience of some users has shown that it is reasonable to reset the slaves with a
‚Reset All Remote Nodes’ command, in order not to overstress the receive capacities
of lower-performing slave controllers. This is possible by setting the appropriate flag in
the application program.

• Polling the slave device type via SDO (Requesting object 0x1000) and


comparing it to the configured Slave ID.

Issuing an error state for those slaves that do not fit the configured type. If no device
type has been received at all, the polling will be repeated after 0,5 seconds, except
the slave is marked as “optional” in the configuration.

• Configuration of all error-free devices via SDO. Each SDO is watched for a


response and will be repeated if the slave does not respond within the watch time.

• Automatic configuration of slaves via SDOs that send a boot-up message to the


master while the bus is in operating mode.

• Starting all slaves after having configured them faultlessly, if option “Automatic

startup” has been activated for the CAN-Master. For starting normally the


NMT-command “Start remote node” is used. As is the case with Reset this
command can be replaced by “Start all remote nodes”.

• Cycling sending of the sync message.


• Nodeguarding with lifetime-supervision for each slave and producing an error


state for slaves at which the lifetime-supervision failed.

• Heartbeat of the master to the slaves and watching the heartbeats of the slaves.


• Receiving of emergency messages for each slave and storing the last received


emergency messages separately for each slave.

• Receiving of PDO messages and task-consistent data transfer to the process


image of the application.

• Sending PDO messages after end of the task, depending on the set


„Transmission Type“ des PDOs.