3 candevice, 1 functionality, Candevice – Lenze PLC Designer PLC Designer (R2-x) CANopen for Runtime Systems User Manual

Page 30: Functionality

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L-force | PLC Designer - CANopen for Runtime Systems


DMS 2.0 EN 05/2009 TD29


3 CanDevice

A »PLC Designer« programmable PLC can appear in a CAN network also as a CANopen-slave (also
named CANopen-node, in the following named „CanDevice”).

3.1 Functionality

The CanDevice library together with the CANopen-configurator provide the following functionality for
the user:

- Configuration of the following properties in »PLC Designer«: NodeGuarding/Heartbeat,

Emergency, NodeID and baudrate, on which the device should work.


Together with the Parameter Manager in »PLC Designer« a default PDO mapping can be created,

which can be modified by the master during run time. The change of the PDO mapping is done
during the configuration phase by the master. By the mapping IEC variables of the application can
be mapped to PDOs.

- The CanDevice library provides an object dictionary, the size of which is determined by »PLC

Designer« during compilation. This dictionary contains all objects describing the CAN device and
additionally those which are defined by the Parameter Manager. In the Parameter Manager
together with the CanDevice only the list types „Parameters” and “Variables” can be used.


The library manages accesses on the object dictionary, thus acting as SDO server at the bus.

- The library watches the nodeguarding resp. the heartbeat consumer time (only of one producer

each) and sets the corresponding error flags for the application.

- Creation of an EDS-file, describing the configured properties of the CanDevice in a way that the

device can be configured as slave below a CAN master.

The CanDevice library explicitly not provides the following functionalities which are described in
CANopen. (All possibilities of the CANopen protocol, mentioned here and in the upper paragraph, also
are not implemented) :


Dynamic SDO, PDO identifier.


Blocking SDO transfer.

- Implicit generation of emergency messages. Emergency messages always must be created by

the application. For this purpose the library provides a function block, which can be used by the

- Dynamic changes of the PDO properties resp. runtime properties always are updated at the

arrival of a StartNode NMT-message and at each access on an object in the communication
properties of the CanDevice.