Lenze PLC Designer PLC Designer (R2-x) CANopen for Runtime Systems User Manual

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L-force | PLC Designer - CANopen for Runtime Systems


DMS 2.0 EN 05/2009 TD29


(* Objects could be mapped, if required. *)

wInExt :


{parameter list=ExtIOs [name=ReadInput16BitExt index=16#6200 subindex=16#0

accesslevel=middle accessright="read only" value=0 ] };

wOutExt :


{parameter list=ExtIOs [name=WriteOutput16BitExt index=16#6400 subindex=16#0

accesslevel=middle accessright="write only" value=0 ] };


-> Lists automatically created in the Parameter Manager:


Do the following NMT commands work?: Boot-Up, Switching mode between

‘Operational’ and ‘Preoperational’, Reset, Emergency, Node-Guarding?


If a ResetNode or ResetCommunication is received, the values of the objects normally are reset
to their default values. In case of a CanDevice this must be done by the application. The
application can use the variables bResetCommReceived and bResetNodeReceived to record,
whether one of the both NMT services has been received.

F4: Can I modify Guard-Time and Life-Time-Faktor also via my object dictionary?


Yes. If written via an SDO access, the library automatically will modify the respective variables.
If you are writing to the OD from the application, you must - in order to get the modification
effective at all - call the following:

This method of the CanDevice effects that the complete OD will be re-interpreted.

F5: Can Node ID and Baudrate also be set via the »PLC Designer« code?


If you set variable nNewNodeId and afterwards call method

the device will get a new NodeID. All NodeID-related values in the OD will be adapted.
If you want to modify the baudrated, you must enter that in structure g_CanInterface[xx]
and afterwards call

Thereby the driver gets informed about the modification.

F6: In dialog „Networkfunctionality“ in the Target Settings the size of the object dictionary is

defined. Does this setting only refer to the self-defined range (e.g. 2000...) or also to the
default range (1000...)?


Only the objects defined in the Parameter Manager have to be regarded here.