4 can network variables, 1 can network variables for the user, 1 preconditions – Lenze PLC Designer PLC Designer (R2-x) CANopen for Runtime Systems User Manual

Page 44: 2 target settings, Can network variables, Can network variables for the user, Preconditions, Target settings

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L-force | PLC Designer - CANopen for Runtime Systems

CAN network variables

DMS 2.0 EN 05/2009 TD29


4 CAN network variables

Network variables can be used to exchange data between one or multiple PLCs. The mechanism
should be easy to handle fort he user. Currently network variables are implemented for CAN and
UDP. The variables’ values are exchanged automatically on the basis of broadcast messages. In UDP
these are realized as broadcast telegrams, in CAN as PDOs. Concerning the used protocol these
services are not-confirmed services, i.e. there is no control whether the message reaches the
receiver. Network variables exchange is a 1 (sender) to n (receiver) - connection.

The Parameter-Manager is another possibility to exchange variables. This is a 1 to 1 – connection,
using a confirmed protocol. This means that the user can guard, whether the message has reached
the receiver. The exchange is not done automatically but via calling function blocks in the application

4.1 CAN network variables for the user

To use the network variables with »PLC Designer« the user must perform the following steps:

4.1.1 Preconditions

A »PLC Designer« programming system Version 2.3 SP5 (or higher) must be installed and the
following libraries must be available:

3s_CanDrv.lib, 3S_CanOpenManager.lib and 3S_CanOpenNetVar.lib

»PLC Designer« automatically generates the required initialization code and the calls of the network
POUs at the start and the end of each cycle.

4.1.2 Target Settings

Activate option Support network variables in the dialog box 'Target Settings' (tab
'Networkfunctionality'). At Names of supported networkinterfaces enter the name of the desired
network, e.g. CAN. The required libraries will then automatically be included in the project with the
next compile.