Lenze PLC Designer PLC Designer (R2-x) CANopen for Runtime Systems User Manual

Page 40

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L-force | PLC Designer - CANopen for Runtime Systems


DMS 2.0 EN 05/2009 TD29


bHeartbeatError: BOOL;

If the device is configured to be heartbeat consumer,
this flag will be set if no new heartbeat message has
been notified within the configured heartbeat consumer

bResetCommReceived : BOOL;

Reset Communication NMT Message was received. A
flag for the application.

bResetNodeReceived : BOOL;

Reset Node NMT Message was received. A flag for the

bEnterPreOpReceived : BOOL;

Enter Preoperational NMT Message was received. A
flag for the application.

bODEntryWritten: BOOL;

An object dictionary entry was written by SDO-access.

iLastODEntryWritten: INT;

Index of last written entry.

i, iIdx: INT;

Internal running variables.

dwIdx: DWORD;

internal variable for the object dictionary access.

dwIdxHelp : DWORD;


bSDOReadrqActive : BOOL := FALSE;

Internal variable for SDO server functionality.

bSDOWriterqActive : BOOL := FALSE;

Internal variable for SDO server functionality.

bSDOReadrspAbort : BOOL := FALSE;

Internal variable for SDO server functionality.

bSDOWriterspAbort : BOOL := FALSE;

Internal variable for SDO server functionality.

ucModus: BYTE;

Internal variable for SDO server functionality.

dwODEValue: DWORD;

Internal variable for SDO server functionality.

bSwap: BOOL;

Internal variable, used to determine whether the
CanDevice is running on a processor using Intel or
Motorola Byteorder. According to CANopen the order of
the bytes in a SDO transfer always is Intel Byteorder.

byAbortCode: ARRAY[0..3] OF BYTE;

Internal variable for SDO server functionality.

iIdxCom: INT;

Internal variable

dwIdCom: DWORD;

Internal variable

dwIdMap: DWORD;

Internal variable

iIdxMap: INT;

Internal variable

iPDOcur: INT;

Internal variable

ucCurPDOLen : BYTE;

Internal variable

iNumOfMappedObjects: INT;

Internal variable

iMapObj: INT;

Internal variable


Internal variable


Internal variable

bSendBootUp: BYTE;

Internal variable, always set TRUE when a bootup
message should be sent.

bSendNodeGuard: BOOL;

Internal variable for sending the nodeguard-response.

ucToggle: BYTE;

Toggle-bit of the nodeguard response.

bReentry : BOOL;


tGuardLifeTime : TON;

Guarding timer for nodeguarding.

bGuardingEnabled : BOOL;

Flag, always set when GuardLifeTime <> 0.

tHeartbeatProducer : TON;

Heartbeatproducer time. According to this time interval
heartbeat messages are created.

tHeartbeatConsumer : TON;

Timer for guarding the arrival of heartbeat messages.