Lenze PLC Designer PLC Designer (R2-x) CANopen for Runtime Systems User Manual
Page 33

L-force | PLC Designer - CANopen for Runtime Systems
DMS 2.0 EN 05/2009 TD29
Purpose: On the first receive-PDO (COB-Id = 512 + NodeId) of the CanDevice variable
PLC_PRG.a should be received.
Thus in the Parameter Manager an index/subindex must be connected with variable
PLC_PRG.a. For this purpose add a line in a variables list and enter index and subindex. In
the access field only „Write Only“ is applicable, because in a receive-PDO only a writeonly-
value can be mapped. In column “Variable” enter PLC_PRG.a, or press F2 and select this
Note: The Parameter Manager editor is only available, if in the Target Settings in „Network
functionality“ option „Support parameter manager“ is activated and parameterized with useful
index/subindex ranges.
After that in the ‘Default PDO Mapping’ of the CanDevice the index/subindex entry is assigned
as a mapping entry to a receive-PDO. The properties of the PDO can be defined in the
Properties dialog which is known from the CAN slave configuration below a master.
Only objects of the Parameter Manager, which have got attribute „read-only“ resp. „write-only“, will be
marked as mappable in a possibly generated EDS-file and will appear in the list of mappable
objects.An object which has been created in the Parameter Manager gets assigned a default value in
the EDS-file. This default is either the initial value of the variable (variables lists) or the value defined
by the user (parameter lists).
All other objects will be marked as not mapable in the EDS-file.