Lenze PLC Designer PLC Designer (R2-x) CANopen for Runtime Systems User Manual

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L-force | PLC Designer - CANopen for Runtime Systems


DMS 2.0 EN 05/2009 TD29


F11: I must write device specific data to index 1000,1008,1009,100A. How can I do this?


see chap. 3.6.2 Access on the object dictionary entries by the application program
Naturally there are object dictionary entries (OD entries), which are mapped on variables
But there are also the implicitly generated entries of the CanDevice, which cannot be mapped to
a variable via the Parameter-Manager. These entries are only visible at run time of the system
in array ODEntries. In monitoring mode (online mode) of »PLC Designer« all object dictionary
entries can be seen in the global variable list of the 3s_CanOpenDevice.lib.
The access on contents of these objects – like the access on parameter lists of the Parameter-
Manager - must be controlled by the application.:

One-time the index of the entry must be evaluated. For this purpose write (see here for the first
CanDevice within the configuration):






After that the content of the object can be read with GetODEntryValue(Index).

With SetODEntryValue the content of an object can be manipulated. Alternatively the content
can be directly accessed, if – which is always the case for implicit objects – you know that it is a
numeric base data type.:

ODEntries[Index].dwContent := xxxxx;

F12: If one writes from outside to my object dictionary, I can only recognize this by the

change of the variable which is assigned to the respective index/subindex. Is it also
possible in the »PLC Designer« code to directly receive incoming write accesses on my
object dictionary (via »PLC Designer« instruction)?


see chapter 3.6.1: Description of the module CANopenDevice: Variable bODEntryWritten

und iLastODEntryWritten.

F13: Only read-only and write-only objects can be managed. However in my application I need

to use also read-write objects. I wonder if there is already an update solving this


Read-Write objects are viewed in the master configuration dialog in tab Service Data Objects (-
> ErrorModeOutput16Bit). They also can be modified there. If these values get modified
(deviation from the default value) the object will be sent to the CANdevice during startup phase.
However it is not possible to map these objects to PDOs. According to CANopen norm mapable
objects always are either read-only or write-only.

F14: I do not want to have the boot-up message acc. V4; I need the V3-variant.


You can use a V3 bootup message additionally to the other one. Both will be sent when you set
variable bUseOldBootupToo := TRUE; in the first PLC cycle.