2 canopen-master library, 1 differentiation from other canopen libraries, Canopen-master library – Lenze PLC Designer PLC Designer (R2-x) CANopen for Runtime Systems User Manual
Page 6: Differentiation from other canopen libraries

L-force | PLC Designer - CANopen for Runtime Systems
CANopen-Master library
DMS 2.0 EN 05/2009 TD29
2 CANopen-Master
2.1 Differentiation from other CANopen libraries
The library implemented by Lenze differs in several respects from other systems available on the
market. It has not been developed to make abundant other libraries which are provided by prestigious
manufacturers, but pointedly has been optimized for the use with the »PLC Designer« programming
and runtime systems.
The libraries are made according to the CiA DS301, V401 specification.
For users of the »PLC Designer«-CANopen-library the following advantages result:
• The implementation is independent from the target system and so usable on every »PLC
Designer«-compatible PLC without changes.
• The customer gets a complete system from one distributor. This means, the configurator and the
embedding of the CANopen-protocol into the runtime system are optimally coordinated.
• The CANopen-functionality is loadable.
This means, the CANopen-functions can be reloaded and updated without changing the runtime
• The resources are used carefully. Memory is allocated depending on the used configuration, not
for a maximum configuration.
• Automatic IO-update without additional measures.
The following functionalities, defined by CANopen, are supported by the CANopen-library of Lenze
(May 2005):
• Sending PDOs from the master => to the slaves
Event-controlled (on change) and as synchronous PDOs, i.e. always after a certain number of
Sync messages has gone over the bus (the number is defined by the Transmission Type of the
PDO in the CAN configurator) the PDO will be sent by the master. Also an external Sync-source
can be used in order to initiate the sending of synchronous PDOs.
The time-controlled transmission of individual PDOs can only be implemented in the »PLC
Designer« by means of a program written in the IEC61131 code. For this purpose a task with a
corresponding cycle time is created containing the program for the transmission. The settings for
the event time made in the “PDO properties" dialog will not be taken into account. We recommend
to use the “cyclic-synchronous” transmission mode and to specify the sync triggering the
transmission of the PDO. See also page 8.
• Receiving PDOs from the slave => to the master.
Dependent on the slaves: event-controlled, request-controlled, acyclic and cyclic.
• PDO mapping
if supported by the slaves.
• SDO sending and receiving (unsegmented, i.e. 4 bytes per object dictionary entry)
Automatic configuration of all slaves via SDOs at system start
Application-controlled sending and receiving of SDOs to configured slaves.
• Synchronisation
Automatic sending of sync messages by the CANopen-Master.
• Nodeguarding
Automatic sending of guarding messages and guarding the lifetime for each correspondingly
configured slave.