Lenze PLC Designer PLC Designer (R2-x) CANopen for Runtime Systems User Manual

Page 43

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L-force | PLC Designer - CANopen for Runtime Systems



DMS 2.0 EN 05/2009 TD29

3.6.4 Sending emergency messages by the application program

In order to transmit an emergency message via the application program, function block
SEND_EMERGENCY can be used.

The module has the following interface:



* As long as Enable is TRUE, with each call an emergency message
is transmitted.*)

ErrorCode : WORD; (* Error code; according to CANopen some values are already pre-

defined. (See table below.)*)

ErrorRegister : BYTE; (* The error register is content of object 1001h.*)
ManufacturerErrorField : ARRAY[0..4] OF BYTE; (* Here the application can define its own

error codes.*)

DeviceIndex : INT;

(* The 0-based index of the device, which should send the
emergency messages.*)



bReady : BOOL;

(* As soon as the message has been sent, bReady gets FALSE.*)


Table with error codes, from DSP301:
00xx Error Reset or No Error
10xx Generic Error
20xx Current
21xx Current, device input side
22xx Current inside the device
23xx Current, device output side
30xx Voltage
31xx Mains Voltage
32xx Voltage inside the device
33xx Output Voltage
40xx Temperature
41xx Ambient Temperature
42xx Device Temperature
50xx Device Hardware
60xx Device Software
61xx Internal Software
62xx User Software
63xx Data Set
70xx Additional Modules
80xx Monitoring
81xx Communication
8110 CAN Overrun (Objects lost)
8120 CAN in Error Passive Mode
8130 Life Guard Error or Heartbeat Error
8140 recovered from bus off
8150 Transmit COB-ID
82xx Protocol Error
8210 PDO not processed due to length error
8220 PDO length exceeded
90xx External Error
F0xx Additional Functions
FFxx Device specific