HMC Electronics 62040 Loctite 620 Retaining Compound, High Temperature User Manual

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620, May



Loctite Material Specification


LMS dated August


20, 1997. Test reports for each batch are

available for the indicated properties. LMS test reports include

selected QC test parameters considered appropriate to

specifications for customer use. Additionally, comprehensive

controls are in place to assure product quality and

consistency. Special customer specification requirements may

be coordinated through Henkel Loctite Quality.


Store product in the unopened container in a dry location.

Storage information may be indicated on the product container


Optimal Storage: 8 °C to 21 °C. Storage below 8 °C or

greater than 28 °C can adversely affect product properties.

Material removed from containers may be contaminated during

use. Do not return product to the original container. Henkel

Corporation cannot assume responsibility for product which

has been contaminated or stored under conditions other than

those previously indicated. If additional information is required,

please contact your local Technical Service Center or

Customer Service Representative.


(°C x 1.8) + 32 = °F

kV/mm x 25.4 = V/mil

mm / 25.4 = inches

N x 0.225 = lb

N/mm x 5.71 = lb/in

N/mm² x 145 = psi

MPa x 145 = psi

N·m x 8.851 =

N·mm x 0.142 =

mPa·s = cP


The data contained herein are furnished for information only

and are believed to be reliable. We cannot assume

responsibility for the results obtained by others over whose

methods we have no control. It is the user's responsibility to

determine suitability for the user's purpose of any production

methods mentioned herein and to adopt such precautions as

may be advisable for the protection of property and of persons

against any hazards that may be involved in the handling and

use thereof. In light of the foregoing, Henkel Corporation

specifically disclaims all warranties expressed or implied,

including warranties of merchantability or fitness for a

particular purpose, arising from sale or use of Henkel

Corporation’s products. Henkel Corporation specifically

disclaims any liability for consequential or incidental

damages of any kind, including lost profits. The discussion

herein of various processes or compositions is not to be

interpreted as representation that they are free from

domination of patents owned by others or as a license under

any Henkel Corporation patents that may cover such

processes or compositions. We recommend that each

prospective user test his proposed application before repetitive

use, using this data as a guide. This product may be covered

by one or more United States or foreign patents or patent


Trademark usage

LOCTITE is a trademark of Henkel Corporation

Reference 0.3

Henkel Loctite Americas


Henkel Loctite Europe


Henkel Loctite Asia Pacific


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