GeoDesy Pronto X Series User Manual
Page 26
GeoDesy Kft.
E-mail: [email protected]
H-1116 Budapest, Kondorfa str. 6-8. Telefon: 06-1-481-2050
Fax.: 06-1-481-2049
SNMP Setup
One of the main features of the device is the SNMP(Simple Network Monitoring
Protocol). The SNMP settings can be set on this page.
Trap address: The IP address of the SNMP trap over the network.
Trap events in the system you have
possibility to setup three different trap
For further details on the trap event see
Trap event list chapter of this book. In this section there are the settings of the
SNMP Agent.
SNMP trap address: IP address of the
SNMP tarp computer
Read Community and Read Write
community To the setup of the Read
and the Read-Write community, the
preset value is public
Agent UDP Port the SNMP agent UDP
port number (1…1000) the preset value
is 162
Trap UDP Port: the SNMP trap UDP
port number (1…1000) the preset value
is 161
The Laserhead is sending two different traps:
LaserHeadAlarm (OID: This trap will be sent after any
of the alarms will go on (for alarm setting please see chapter 5.4)
LaserHeadAlarmCancel (OID: After the alarm goes off
this trap will be sent