Environmental Express AutoBlock II User Manual
Page 32
AutoBlock, place your samples into the racks, loading the columns left to
right. Do not skip any spaces in the columns. Fill each column completely
with SIX samples before moving to the next.
D) The final column containing samples does not have to be filled with samples;
however, it must be filled with cups, even if the cups are empty.
E) Fill all remaining open positions with empty cups, and place all THREE racks
into the AutoBlock. Keep in mind to place the racks into the AutoBlock so
that the samples begin with the far-left column.
F) After loading all samples in columns of six from left to right, place empty
SC475 cups into all remaining rack positions. All three racks must be
completely filled either with samples or with empty cups. A total of 54 cups
-- all three racks, all 54 positions -- must be in the AutoBlock before starting a
digestion method.
Loading all 54 positions will insure proper cooling of samples due to airflow.
Also, it will insure that if the final column is partially filled with samples,
reagents will not accidentally dispense into empty heating wells.
Do not reuse any cups that received reagent(s) during a previous digestion
procedure, even if those cups did not contain a sample. This can result in cup
failure, damage to the AutoBlock and sample loss. Reuse of cups that did not
receive any reagent and remained dry throughout the procedure is