Theory of operation, The rfd oven series, Danger – Despatch RFD Series User Manual
Page 16

RFD Oven Series
Owner’s Manual
Version 1
Copyright © 2012 by Despatch Industries.
All rights reserved. No part of the contents of this manual may be reproduced, copied or transmitted in any form or by any
means including graphic, electronic, or mechanical methods or photocopying, recording, or information storage and
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Theory of Operation
3.1. The RFD Oven Series
Despatch RFD ovens feature horizontal recirculating airflow
to ensure exceptional temperature uniformity throughout the
oven. A high-volume fan circulates air through perforated,
stainless steel walls to create a constant horizontal airflow
across all sections of the oven. The result is proven
reliability in demanding production and laboratory
applications, such as curing, drying, sterilizing, aging, and
other process-critical applications.
The RFD ovens are for applications that include flammable
solvents or large amounts of moisture removal. These Class
A ovens are specially designed to meet NFPA 86
requirements. They include a pressure relief panel, purge
timer and exhaust fan.
Class A ovens are designed for a specific amount of solvent. Exceeding
this amount could result in an explosion. Refer to Design Specification
Label (Figure 14) or Section 1.5.2 for the solvent handling capabilities of
this oven. Do not process closed containers of any substance or liquid
in this oven because they may explode under heat. In case of fire, leave
door(s) as they are. Shut off electricity. Shut off fuel. Call the fire
department. Stay away
With the damper in full closed position, a predetermined amount of
fresh air enters the chamber via cutaways in the fresh air and exhaust
dampers. This amount of fresh air meets NFPA86 Safety Guidelines for
Class A ovens.
Figure 4. RFD Oven Series.