Condux CableGlider FO Cable Puller User Manual
Page 21

Digital display is not functioning.
• Turn electronic control box power switch ON (see section
• Check 12 Volt DC power supply (see section 6.B.3).
• Check all electrical connections.
Digital display does not display expected values.
• Capstan size is different from capstan selected on elec-
tronic control box (see section 6.C.2).
Numbers on digital display start counting up and do not
stop with no load on the capstan.
• Load cell is not properly connected to the electronic control
box. Verify all connections are made and are tight (see
section 6.B.1)
Capstan does not stop rotating when programmed tension
limit is reached.
• Tension limit is not set to desired load. Press the “Prog”
Button and ▼ button simultaneously. Press the ▲ and
▼ buttons to increase or decrease the tension limit. Press
“Prog” to save the set point. (see section 6.C.3).
• Footswitch is not properly connected to the electronic
control box. Verify all connections are made and are tight.
(see section 6.B.2).
Capstan stops rotating before line tension reaches preset
load limit programmed into electronic tension controller.
• Adjustable pressure relief valve is set lower than pro-
grammed tension limit. Increase adjustable relief valve
setting (see section 11.B).
• Tension limit is not set to desired load. Press the “Prog”
Button and ▼ button simultaneously. Press the ▲ and
▼ buttons to increase or decrease the tension limit. Press
“Prog” to save the set point. (see section 6.C.3).
Chart recorder is not functioning.
• Check to see that the card is firmly inserted in the slot.
• Verify that the chart recorder’s Record Mode has been
switch to ON. Red LED light is lit.