Test for performance certification for emt, Sensor installation–valve-type, Mounting – COATS Extended Mobility (EMT) RunFlat Tires User Manual

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Test for Performance Certification for EMT


S = Successful Demonstration of Ability N = Needs more Practice

Sensor Installation–Valve-Type

1. Identify the various parts that make up the
valve-type sensor.

2. Inspect the valve mounting hole.

3. Install the sensor by inserting the valve stem
through the mounting hole in the wheel.

4. Once nut is installed, torque to 90-105 inch
pounds to prevent leaking.


Metal Duckhead) Valve-Type Sensor

1. Clean and polish the wheel. Check for any
burrs or damage to the wheel that might dam-
age the tire during the mounting process.

2. Lubricate the wheel.

3. Lubricate the lower tire bead.

4. Rotate the tabletop so that the valve stem
and pressure sensor are at the 6 o’clock posi-

5. Position the tire over the wheel, with the
lower bead resting on the back of the duck-
head. Position the duckhead so that it is






inch away from the wheel. Remember to use
the plastic bootie on metal duckheads.

6. Hold the tire down with the lower bead in the
drop center and rotate the wheel slowly. The
lower bead should be eased over the wheel
slowly and carefully, giving the sidewall time to
relax. Hold the tire so that the bead stays in the
drop center.

7. Once the lower bead is mounted, rotate the
table top until the valve stem and pressure
sensor are once again in the 6 o’clock position.

8. Lubricate the upper bead liberally. Apply
lubricant to both the edge of the tire bead and
the underside of the bead. Adequate lubrica-
tion is vital to the upper bead mounting

9. Position the upper bead over the duckhead.
Put the tip of the lift tool under the wheel rim
flange and push the bar down to hold the upper
bead below the wheel and duckhead. Use a
shop towel on the lift tool to avoid damaging
the wheel.

10. Rotate the wheel a short distance–only 3 to
4 inches–and stop. Continue to hold the bead in
the drop center with the lift bar, or place a drop
center tool on the wheel.

11. Continue rotating the wheel using 3 to 4
inch jogs until the upper bead is fully mounted.