COATS CDH-4730 Electric-Hydraulic Tire Changer User Manual

Page 15

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6) Tip the tool-arm (17) in its working position, until it gets hooked.

Check that the arm is correctly hooked to the carriage

7) By means of levers (3) and (4), position the roller tool against the otside tire bead and turn the tire until the pliers is in its lowest point. First bead

should be in position now (fig.24)

8) Move the holder tool slightly away from tire bead, then remove the g-ckamp and replace it at 6 o’clock outside the second bead (fig. 25)

9) Position the roller at a distance of 1/4”(4-5 mm.) from the rim and press on second tire bead in order to fit it into the drop center (fig.25)

10) Turn clockwise and grease with the proper grease. At the same time, move the roller at brief steps towards the drop center until

it is completely set on the rim (fig.26)

11) Remove the g-clamp from the rim and tip the roller in resting position.

1) Position the ramp under the tire assembly and lower the spindle until the tire rests on the ramp.

1) Loosen the locking bub nut, taking care to support the tire assembly to prevent it from falling off.









) Position the tire on the ramp and lower the spindle arm (make sure the g-clamp is at the hight point

5) Lift the rim with the tire hooked to it and turn it counterclockwise of about 6 - 8 inch (15-20 cm.) The tire will be positioned inclined across the rim

(fig. 23)


Potentially hazardous operation!

Do it manually only if you are certain you can keep the tire assembly balanced. For large and heavy tires an

adequate lifting device must be used.