CiDRA Use of Foundation Fieldbus Protocol with SONARtrac Transmitters User Manual
Page 44

Copyright © 2010 CiDRA Corporate Services
Page A-12
20958-01 Rev 02
The ‘Pressure Input Select’ in the transmitter must be configured using
Configurator, the transmitter front panel, or INI editor for the
transmitter to use the pressure input. The pressure can also be
displayed on the transmitter front panel if desired.
When completed, verify the transmitter is receiving pressure from the
Rock device – the pressure value ramps from 0 to 100.
The user can also disconnect and re-power the setup to see that the
transmitter is still receiving pressure, as this is now saved in the
FLASH of the Fieldbus devices.
Note that this configuration is specific to the two Fieldbus devices
(transmitter and Rock device) downloaded to. If you change to a
different transmitter, for example, you must download a new FBAP to
the Rock and that transmitter.