chiliGREEN M770K User Manual
Page 144

Modules & Options
7 - 22 PC Camera Module
Camera Application
The WebCam application is a video viewer for general purpose video viewing and
testing, and for capturing video files to .avi format.
Run the camera application from the desktop shortcut (it is recommended that you
set the capture file before the capture process - see
“Set Capture File” on
page 7 - 23
Go to the Capture menu heading (if you wish to capture audio check
“PC Camera
Audio Setup” on page 7 - 20
) and select Start Capture.
Click OK/Yes (the file location will be displayed in the pop-up box) to start
capturing the video, and press Esc to stop the capture (you can view the file using
the Windows Media Player).
Pre-Allocating File
You may pre-allocate the
file size (File > Allocate
File Size/Space) for the
capture file in the Bison-
Cap/AveoCap program
(you will need to set a
folder first for the Aveo-
Cap program.)
Pre-allocating space on
the hard disk can improve
the capture quality (par-
ticularly of large capture
files), by reducing the
amount of work the hard
disk has to do in finding
space for the video data
as it is being captured.
See also
“Reducing Vid-
eo File Size” on page 7 -