AirLive AirMax DUO User Manual
Page 62

4. Wireless and WAN Settings
AirLive AirMax DUO User’s Manual
Select one of the WEP key for wireless network: There are total of 4
possible keys for WEP encryption. You need to choose which key will be used
for encryption. All wireless devices on the same network have to use the
same settings. We recommend using WEP Key 1 as in default setting.
WEP Keys: Please enter the WEP keys used for encryption. You need to fill
at least the “Select WEP Key”. For example; if you choose “Encrypt Data with
WEP Key 1” in the previous field, then it is necessary to fill WEP Key 1. The
length of key is dependant on the Key Length and Key type you choose.
Key Length: The AirMax DUO offers 64bit, 128 bit, and 152 bit for WEP key length.
The longer the Key Length, the more secure the encryption is.
Key Type: 2 types are available: ASCII and HEX. ASCII is a string of ASCII code
including alphabetical characters, space, signs and numbers (i.e. “airlivepass12”). HEX
is a string of 16-bit hexadecimal digits (0..9, a, b, c, d, e, f). All wireless devices on the
network must match the exact key length and Key type. Some Wireless clients only
allow HEX type for WEP.