AirLive AirMax DUO User Manual
Page 172
7. Command Line Interface
AirLive AirMax DUO User’s Manual
Command> set ssid remotessid airlive2
set broadcast
Purpose: Enable or disable SSID broadcast
Command> set broadcast enable
Radio1 broadcast enabled
set radio mode
Purpose: set radio mode to 11a
Command> set radio mode 11a
Radio1 radio mode: 11a
set channel
Purpose: set wireless channel
Command> set channel 36
Radio1 channel: 36
set beacon interval
Purpose: set beacon interval for wireless interface. For explanation on
advance wireless parameters, please refer to section 4.2.14
Command> set beacon interval 100
Radio1 beacon internal: 100
set rts threshold
Purpose: set rts threshold. For explanation on advance wireless parameters,
please refer to section 4.2.14
Command> set rts threshold 2347
Radio1 RTS threshold: 2347