2N PRI Gateways - User Manual User Manual

Page 79

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!! Preliminary version of user guide v1.8 !!

!! Preliminary version of user guide v1.8 !!


Timeout while imputing DTMF digits(s) – time (in seconds) for the PRIGW to wait for the
first and next DTMF digit. After this timeout, either the DTMF number received so far is dialed
into the ISDN or, if no DTMF digit is dialed, a number is dialed from the “List of dialed numbers”.
List of called numbers - list of numbers to dialed automatically gradually (in the case of
unavailability or busy) if no DTMF dialing (DISA) is made.

Prefix before DISA preselection – prefix which the gateway add before dialed DTMF dial in.
For example : received DTFM digits are 487 and this prefix is 6655. The gateway will send to
PRI ISDN interface number 6655487.

CLIP - With this parameter you can change digit „+“ from CLIP by different digit(s). In case that
you leave blank this parameter, the gateway will only remove „+“ from CLIP

Looping of DISA message – setting of automatic repeat of DISA voice message in case of
incoming DTMF dial-in.

Time to keep CLIP in table – parameter for AutoCLIP routing. By this parameter you can set
time how long will be saved information about outgoing call to GSM. 0= switch off AutoCLIP

Add record only for unconnected call – Gateway can save to AutoCLIP routing table only
unconnected outgoing calls or also connected calls.

Delete record for connected answer – Gateway can delete record from AutoCLIP routing
table immediately after connection of the answer call, or only after record expiration sets by
parameter “Time to keep CLIP in table”.

Direct routing – With this group of parameters you can set direct incoming routing to different
destination from each GSM/3G module